Interview question 6: How to download QTP trial version?

Where do you usually download the QuickTest Pro free trial version?

There are no such things in our world as trail version of QuickTest Professional. First of all the correct word is 'trial' and more important - the HP offers the QTP trial license key which requires recognition of certain terms of use. Usually the trial key has expiration date and HP's tools leave some artifacts on your computer to be found around by new installation, so QA Engineer cannot just change trail license key every month and use Mercury QuickTest Profession tools for free for a long time. The purpose of this key is to allow QA Team to evaluate the automation tool prior to purchase. Not to train another team member. Not to use as an additional copy to help with production or stage testing. Not for personal training at home.

Visit the download center of HP web site for information on how to download QTP evaluation version, as you will need to contact your local sales representative and work out the details of your evaluation.

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